Welcome! you have reached the home of one of the fastest growing fan clubs in America today.  The "Music Listeners of America" (MLA) was created in 2002 by Ke-starr Entertainment who is parent to Ke-starr records a Detroit based recording company.   It was first  thought of by  Teller, Ke-starr's owner, as a way of promoting the label's recording artist. Later, the owner came up with even a better idea,  since all artist need fans, why not extend this fan base service to other artist in the entertainment industry.                                                                                                     NOTE: The (MLA) offers its support to artist who meets its criteria (this is a safe site) all subjects and materials must be and will be pre-screened and approved by (MLA) staff before it can be aired on this site.                                                                                                                                                      Learn how you can become a card carring member of this unique fan club. However, membership or making a purchase  of our  product is not a requirement.  You still can  take advantage of our (free) music samples or downloads.   Feel free to rome and check out the many wonderful offers this site has at no charge to you.                                                                                Thank you for coming, now fasten your seatbelts and let's go browsing, We hope you enjoy the time you spend here.  We welcome your feedback on what we can do to make this site user friendly.                                              
click on music players (below)  and  listen to            ( FREE )  TEL TELLER  music samples              Teller's  music videos  can  be viewed on                           www.youtube.com

                                                                 AT TOP ; CLICK ON :                           BIOGRAPHY,  DISCOGRAPHY,             UPCOMING SHOWS,  CONTACT         PAGE ......... see and hear more!!
                       WELCOME                   MUSIC LISTENERS OF AMERICA                   ( M L A )